Does the world need another version of ‘Frankenstein’? Director James Whale drew up the movie blueprint with his original 1930’s film (and its sequel), a vision so distinctive that few have come close to surpassing it in the decades since. The...
Niamh Melody finds this innovative, graphic novel style retelling of Dracula a unique take on a familiar story Imitating the dog and Leeds Playhouse have successfully turned a classic horror story into a gripping, technologically advanced piece of...
Following their unique shot-for-shot stage recreation of George A. Romero’s classic 1968 zombie movie – Night of The Living Dead™ – Remix, imitating the dog and Leeds Playhouse have joined forces again for a radical adaptation...
After seven months with no live theatre, it felt like a miracle to be part of the audience that gathered outside The Lowry on a dark October evening to watch Dr Blood’s Old Travelling Show. Imitating the Dog’s new touring work – created with the...
“Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives” – this is the mantra writ large on a daily basis. Little did George Romero’s understated B-Movie offering or Animating the Dog’s stage adaptation know that the viral nightmare-ish events that are foretold...