This year marks the 40th anniversary of Sir Peter Wright’s iconic production of The Sleeping Beauty for Birmingham Royal Ballet. Under the direction of Carlos Acosta this sumptuous production is revived to its full extravagance and splendour, living...
In a time of innovation and reinvention for Birmingham Royal Ballet – with recent announcements of a Black Sabbath ballet and BRB2, a new touring company comprised of ballet graduates – it’s good to see that the company are intent on performing the...
Ahead of Birmingham Royal Ballet’s production of Swan Lake at The Lowry, Roz Laws talks to dancer Céline Gittens who along with Momoko Hirata takes on the double principal roles of Odette/Odile for the tour. Céline Gittens made history in 2012 in...
Birmingham Royal Ballet return to The Lowry with David Bintley’s acclaimed fairytale ballet, Beauty and the Beast. The production marks the Director’s final tour with the company and, as Carmel Thomason discovers, his work behind the scenes has been...