British Gothic horror, Shepherd is as eerie and unsettling as the desolate island where the film takes place. Set on a remote island, with only the protagonist’s dog and thoughts to keep him company, Russell Owen’s horror is an unsettling...
Three actresses, three children’s rooms, 10 days and 2,458 sexual predators. Documentary film, Caught In The Net approaches the abuse of children on the internet with an intricately calculated hoax. The result is terrifying and intense to watch, but...
Caught In The Net is a disturbing and gut-wrenching documentary that reveals the sinister child predators that lurk within the internet’s underbelly. As gruesome and uncomfortable as a social experiment like this is, Czech documentarians Vít Klusák...
Julia Ducournau’s Titane is a perplexing manipulation of cold and steely body horror, armouring a heart-warming portrait of the innate need for love. Like her previous film ‘Raw’, French director Ducournau conveys humans’ deepest desires and fears...
Slumber Party Massacre is a gory and gritty remake of Roger Corman’s 1982 cult classic, directed by Amy Holden Jones, with even more jolting twists and turns than the original. Danishka Esterhazy pays homage to the best parts of the 1982 slasher...
Alexandria Slater joins the audience for a live Q&A with acclaimed Salford director, Mike Leigh Salford-born auteur, Mike Leigh, is one of UK’s most internationally recognised and critically acclaimed film-makers working today. A seven-time...
“The story of a girl who writes her own ending” is a rare occurrence in the history of film, but writer and director, Sarah Pirozek illustrates the extreme tragedy of one who does. #Like follows the spiralling vengeance of Rosie (Sarah Rich), a...