Shortlisted for the 2021 BBC New Comedy Awards, Lady Bushra is the stand-up, alter-ego of British Asian comedian, Amir Dean. Originally from Bradford, Lady Bushra has taken her witty one-liners and ingenious lipsync to audiences around the world and...
Comedian and new mum, Amy Vreeke talks to Carmel Thomason about debunking the myths of motherhood in her new stand-up show, Glowing, and using humour to put people at ease to shine a spotlight on some of the trickier topics of life. How are you...
In the 1990s Claud Cunningham and Paula Gannon-Lewis launched a new Manchester club night, Black Angel providing the first women-centred safe place for LBT women of colour to come together and be themselves. 25-years on, the pioneering club night...
Miray Sidhom is a brilliant storyteller. That becomes increasingly clear throughout this production of The Bread We Break at Contact Theatre. She captures the essence of Egypt through clever projections behind her set and through the incredible live...