A little space is a delicately ambitious collaboration between production companies Gecko and Mind the Gap. The former explores the use of physical theatre to express motion and emotion, whereas the latter is internationally renowned for championing...
In 1910 a young Charlie Chaplin and Stan Laurel set sail from England to tour North America with Fred Karno’s music hall troupe. This part of Told by An Idiot’s story is true – strange only because of the stars these young men would later become...
An Act Care is an hour long, imagined chance encounter between Aneurin (Nye) Bevan (played by Seren Vickers) and his realised version of the NHS, 72 years after its inception. Bevan, often regarded as the founder of the NHS, was born in 1897. The...
Esteemed Canadian physician, Gabor Mate has studied the causes of addiction for decades, and written numerous books on the subject. His conclusions can possibly be distilled into one simple statement: in most cases, the root of addiction is nearly...
It must’ve been quite something to see Nina Simone live at the NIA Centre, Hulme on 2 May 1991. By then, at the age of 59, Nina Simone was an established artist whose music had recently become popular with a whole new generation of fans after My...
What Happened to Agnes is an unfolding mystery from singer and storyteller, Nishla Smith, as she spins a tale told and retold, spanning three generations and two continents. The show opens to haunting piano notes, spiralling into the atmosphere. Tom...
Plaster Cast Theatre’s Sound Cistem puts trans right at the heart of the stage. The show, at Home as part of its Push Festival, made me feel every emotion possible, and I came away wanting to see it again, and feeling I had just witnessed one of the...
Charles Dickens’s favourite of his own works, David Copperfield can be well described as an ‘autobiographical novel’, drawing heavily on events and characters from Dickens’s own life, but nevertheless a work of fiction created by the author’s...
When Queen and Slim meet for a Tinder date they are far from a match made in heaven. She has too much attitude for his liking, and she hates his taste in music and the loud noises he makes while eating. Though not from a privileged background, Queen...
There is nothing like a good story at Christmas. In Roots, Home Associate Company, 1927 brings us a dozen or so of the most weird and wonderful from around the world. Its inspiration comes from the Aarne index of folk tales, held in the British...