Participating in imaginative play while impersonating adults performing everyday tasks is an incredibly important activity for young children to undertake. The Danish company Dantoy have produced a breakfast set that allows toddlers to pretend to prepare a morning meal for two.

Each of the 29 pieces are made from sturdy plastic that meet strict environmental requirements to achieve the Nordic Ecolabel accreditation. This means no harmful substances are used during the production of their toys, which are all made with safe materials and do not contain PVC or phthalates.
With a frying pan, spatula and two fried eggs the breakfast can be made up with the couple of beef tomato slices and served on the plastic plates.

There are bread pieces that are imaginatively double sided to look like sliced white bread on one side and toast on the other (or perhaps brown bread that is buttered). Two slices of Swiss cheese come with the set to give it a more continental feel.
Parents will likely be given a choice of drinks, fruit juice or water in one of the tumblers or a cup of tea in the tea cups on saucers. The olive green teapot pours perfectly and the positioning and shape of the handle makes it easy for little ones to hold and empty without causing too much of a mess. They might have a bit more difficulty with the milk jug but getting it right will help to improve the child’s hand-eye coordination.

The kids will also enjoy playing with the salt cellar and using the cutlery that could be used for real, soft foods.
This set will keep the children entertained and get them interacting with their parents or siblings with the added bonus that it is really easy to clean.
Dantoy Green Garden Breakfast Time Set is available from Amazon at £22.96.