‘American Star’ is a great example of how a beautifully shot movie, with grounded acting and superb cinematography, can also suffer from minimalist substance and pacing issues. Following aged hitman Wilson (Ian McShane), as he awaits his...
In a time when almost every entertainer has either a biographical movie outlining their rise to stardom or a documentary, deep diving into their trials and tribulations as starved performers, comes a movie for horror fans and cinephiles alike. From...
Adopting Audrey (known as Porcupine on the festival circuit) opens with our protagonist, Audrey (played by Jena Malone) laughing. It’s a cold open of sorts. We come back to this moment later in the movie though it doesn’t have the weight or...
During the first UK lockdown of 2020 all the actors and entertainers, often esteemed so highly as celebrities, were suddenly sent home to sit on their sofas like so many of us. It was a reality check that these famous faces weren’t vital to the...
Conni and the Cat is Germany’s animated film hit of last summer. Based on the character from one of the nation’s long-running children’s TV series ‘My Friend Conni‘ the cartoon enjoyed both commercial success and critical acclaim in its...
Max Mosley died from cancer earlier this year, aged 81. None of us can control how we are remembered when we are gone. But this documentary feels like Mosley is trying his damnedest to steer his legacy from the grave. After his death on 23 May 2021...
Doug McCorkle was the nice but instantly forgettable kid in school. Years later, he’s worked his way up the corporate ladder as a big-firm accountant. He lives with his wife, Gina, who he clearly loves, in a sprawling property in New York State, the...
Dutch artist, Vincent van Gogh’s Sunflowers has been called the rock star of paintings. The image of a simple bunch of flowers arranged in a pot has become one of the most recognised works of art across the world. What is less well known is that Van...
Cartoon favourite, Maya the Bee is back for her third full-length cinematic escapade. And don’t worry if you haven’t seen the first two, because this computer animated movie can be enjoyed without any prior knowledge of the earlier...
Alan Ladd Jr is, as his daughter, Amanda describes: ‘The most influential executive you’ve never heard of’. Unless of course you work in the movie business, where anyone who is anyone has a story to tell about him, with the names signed up to this...