Galleries across County Durham are hosting a year-long centenary focus on one of the North East’s most celebrated artists, Norman Cornish. Norman Cornish’s depiction of mining life in north east England captured the working heart of pitmen and their...
Growing up in a north east mining village I know all too well the part miners’ wives played in supporting the miner’s strike of 1984-85. Their protests were often ones of survival; sitting for hours on the cold city streets, raising awareness of the...
I’m coming a bit late to the party with this one I know, but when something is this good I don’t think too many people can shout about it or shout too loud. I missed press night because I was in York for the official launch of my latest book with...
Having grown up in a pit village during the miners’ strike of 1984 I can relate to the story of Tinned Goods in an immediate way that brings to the surface many memories of my own. But you don’t need any connection to mining for the troubles...